Loving our God by Serving our Neighbor

Welcome! We invite you to join us at any of our services here in beautiful central Oregon.


  • 10:00 am - Classes for all ages
  • 11:00 am - Worship Services
  • 2nd Sunday - 10:00 am
    Continental Breakfast & Devotional
  • 4th Sunday - 12:00 pm
    Family Fellowship Lunch


  • 6:00 pm - Adult Bible Class

About our Church

Holy BibleWe’re sincerely grateful for the opportunity to introduce ourselves to you!

We are a fellowship of Christians, bound together by a shared faith in Jesus Christ and respect for one another. We’re not affiliated with any denomination, not responsible to any authority but God and accountable only to Him for what we believe, teach, and practice. We are dedicated to the restoration and preservation of the spirit, practice and purpose of the New Testament church.

We are a Bible-centered church. While we respect the freedom of opinion of individual Christians, recognizing that there will be honest differences in all of us, we look to the Scriptures as our only doctrinal authority.

We’re a diverse group, coming from varied backgrounds, and at different stages of knowledge and spiritual growth. We don’t know everything. We haven’t arrived, we’re just on the journey. We are not brought together by any illusion of our own perfection. We are brought together by the common recognition of our need, as sinners, for the cleansing blood of Jesus.

working on community projectsThat’s the reason we can worship together, and with God’s help, accomplish the things that make a positive difference in our personal and family lives.

You may not have to look far to find our shortcomings. But the bottom line is, you will find people here who love the Lord and His Word, and who are trying daily to yield to the influence of the indwelling Spirit of God. That’s why we’re eager to know of any need you may have which God may be able to satisfy through us!


Upcoming Events


